Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Self Portrait #2 and a Piece of Random Art

Made a couple quick sketches today.  I'm enjoying making smaller pieces of artwork on discarded pieces of paper.  Since I teach art, I have a lot of students that will crumple up their "unsuccessful" projects and throw them in my scrap paper box.  Since I know for a fact that the students will avoid a crumpled paper like the plague when there are tons of non-crumpled options, I will usually root through the pile, see if there is a name on the wadded up piece, then place it in the proper bin.  Today, I found a wadded up, barely started, self portrait in the box.  Of course there was no name.  If there was, I would give the student partial credit, since they are the one that determined the shape of my head in this portrait.

The other piece was drawn on the back of a random pizza shop flyer that was also cruising around work today.  I did these drawings while I was on my lunch break.  The view is from my classroom into a small park that leads up to a neighborhood.  Anyway, here are the drawings:

Self Portrait #2 Ball point pen, marker, pencil on discarded student artwork

View From My Window at Work: Ball Point Pen and Marker on discarded pizza flyer

Thanks for reading,


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