Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Self Portraits: Day One

I have decided to start posting random, quick study self portraits on the blog.  This is intended to be an exercise in which I loosen up a bit, since I have been taking my work way too seriously.  To break away from the frustration, and hopefully help me solidify a style, I've decided to make frequent quick pictures of myself.  I will be posting the results here, whether I find them appealing or terrible.

Since today is the first day of this venture, I figure I'll share a little of my artistic timeline. The first image is a wood block print entitled "Incognito".  I made this image in a printmaking class in 2009.  Please excuse the quality, as the images were taken via cell phone camera circa 2009.

The second image is from the same printmaking class.  This print is actually the basis of this entire blog.  This was the project that required me to take two randomly drawn words, and come up with a visual solution.  My words were, "shotgun," and "haven".   This is an aquatint /chin colle made in 2009 entitled "Git".

The next image is a tiny color study I did based of a random photo my wife took of me acting like an ass.  I intended to make a painting from the color study, but again, I couldn't get it to come out the way I wanted, so I gave up.  This picture was created earlier this year (2012).

And finally, here is today's quick study.  This is a pencil drawing on computer paper.  Today's date is August, 29, 2012.

So here's to the start of a new venture.  I swear the next updates won't be nearly as long winded.

Thanks for reading,

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