Monday, June 18, 2012

Project #2: Decay

Well, here we are.  It's time to start another Art With Strangers project.  I just had my wife reach into the collection of words, and she pulled out the word, "decay".   Here is the definition for the word:

verb (used without object)
to become decomposed; rot: vegetation that was decaying.
to decline in excellence, prosperity, health, etc.; deteriorate.
Physics . (of a radioactive nucleus) to change spontaneously into one or more different nuclei in a process in which atomic particles, as alpha particles, are emitted from the nucleus, electrons are captured or lost, or fission takes place.
verb (used with object)
to cause to decay or decompose; rot: The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
The deadline for project two will be Monday, July 2 at 11:59pm.  I have decided to keep this on a two week rotation, just to ensure that people don't feel rushed.  I will also consider posting late submissions for any of the projects if they are not turned in on time.  
Projects can be created in any media and digital copies of your work can be sent to artwithstrangers at gmail dot com.  Please keep the file sizes reasonable to ease in emailing and posting.  Feel free to include the media that you used, a title for your piece or any other info you would like relayed through the blog.
I have also determined to open these projects to writers too.  Smaller, scanned, hand written pieces work best for display on the blog, but I'd also be willing to display up to one typed page.  If your writings are more in depth, post them to a blog, and I will include a link with your name and blog site.
Again, the more you all help pass the word, the bigger and better this will become.  I have benefited greatly from this type of creative exercise, and I think others can too.  Help spread the word.
Thanks again for reading,

Project #1: Venus Submissions

Hello blog followers.  Here are the submissions for our first art challenge.  Besides myself, there was only one other submission for the first project.  I was hoping to receive more artwork, but we have to start somewhere, and that's good enough.  So, here are the two pieces of artwork from Project #1: Venus.  There will be a new challenge posted later today.
This piece was submitted by Alekx Schneebeck.

This is my solution for this theme.

I am very excited that  I am creating artwork again.  There were a couple days where I treated this project as if it were my job.  So keep reading, as a new challenge will be posted later today.  If you didn't read the update, I am going to be keeping the time between projects at two weeks so participants will not feel rushed to create their artwork.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, June 11, 2012

Deadline Coming Up!

The deadline for Project #1: Venus, is coming up this Friday.  If you want to submit a piece of artwork, email it to artwithstrangers at gmail dot com.  The deadline is 11:59pm Easern Standard time.  All artwork will be displayed on the blog.

I'm still accepting random words for the word draw to be used for upcoming projects.  Feel free to email word suggestions or leave them as comments to the posts.  Just, you know, let me know that they are word suggestions so I don't get confused.

Based on feedback from participants, I think I will keep the work time for each project around two weeks.  This will give everyone an ample amount of time to work out their ideas and get them down on paper, or whatever they are working on, without feeling rushed.  I want everyone to have a chance to do their best work.

Good luck artists, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
