Monday, July 16, 2012

Project #3: Meat

Yep.  You read correctly.  The theme for Project #3 is going to be Meat.  Just for kicks, let's make it Meat/Meet.  We'll pretend that you were not given the chance to actually see the written word, but had it revealed to you audibly, with no explanation as to which spelling was used. 

I will go ahead and post the definitions for both versions of the word.



1. the flesh of animals as used for food.
2. the edible part of anything, as a fruit or nut: Crack the walnuts and remove the meats.
3. the essential point or part of an argument, literary work, etc.; gist; crux: The meat of the play is the jealousy between the two brothers.
4. solid food: meat and drink.
5. solid or substantial content; pith: The article was full of meat, with few wasted words.
verb (used with object)
1.  to come upon; come into the presence of; encounter: I would meet him on the street at unexpected moments.
2.  to become acquainted with; be introduced to: I've never met your cousin.
3.  to join at an agreed or designated place or time: Meet me in St. Louis.
4.  to be present at the arrival of: to meet a train.
5.  to come to or before (one's notice, or a means of noticing, as the eyes or ears): A peculiar sight met my eyes.
I hope the definitions help all participants come up with some good ideas.  I have to say that personally, there are many different directions that I never thought about going with this theme before I read the two different definitions.  However, feel free to ignore proper definitions.  Create what inspires you.

If you are unfamiliar with the blog and our projects, I recommend going back and looking through the previous posts.  I'll break it down quickly for everyone again.  Create one (or more) original pieces of artwork (or writing), based on the theme listed here in the project.  Take a good quality picture of the artwork and email it to me at artwithstrangers at gmail dot com.  

The tentative due date for this project will be Monday July, 30th at 11:59pm.  However, feel free to go back and create artwork for the previous projects if you wish.  I will continue to update and add anything to the blog, no matter when it comes in.  Remember to add your name and any website, blog, twitter, or otherwise, you want displayed with your artwork.

Until next time, take care and get creatin'.


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