Monday, July 16, 2012

Project #2: Decay Submissions

Hello everyone.  Sorry that it has been a while since the last update.  I will keep this short and sweet.  Here are the submissions for Project #2: Decay.  Our number of participants has grown by one.  We're gaining steam....slowly, but still gaining.

Please excuse the gaps...can't let the images crash into my bio bar.

This piece was submitted by Alekx Schneebeck

This piece was submitted by my friend Amanda Blackman.  I appreciate her sense of humor quite a bit.

This was my solution for the project.

I will have to say that I was super excited about creating a piece of artwork for the word decay.  I immediately had an idea for the project, but had trouble getting it to come out the way I had it in my head.  I decided to try painting on wood, and now I have this 24x24" painting staring at me whenever I go into the kitchen.  I'm still not sure if I like it or not, but hey... not every piece can be a winner.  I'm glad I did it though.  I'm also glad to be moving on.

A random word drawing and post will be happening in short order, so keep reading.

Thanks again,


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