Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Daily Draw Update

Well, I haven't managed to make a drawing every day, but I want to and I feel bad when I don't.  I guess that can be considered progress.  Here are a few of the recent drawings I've made.  Unfortunately, some are still self portraits.  Oh well.  Here it is:

Truck Pen on paper

 Black and White  White colored pencil on black mat board

 Post Color Run  Mixed Media on glossy cardstock

New Desk  Pen on Glossy card stock

I should have some more in the next few days.

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lethargy and the Daily Draw

Ok.  I took the summer off.  Literally.  I pretty much accomplished zero things I had planned this summer, and I feel like quite a bum for it.  For some reason, when I'm out of work for the summer with nothing to do, I have very little motivation.  Therefore, I'm going to try to get into a routine in order to stay productive.

Introducing the daily draw.  I anticipate making (at least) one drawing a day.  I don't care what it is, I just need to draw.  My hold up has been a lack of ideas, so I'm just going to draw what I see.  Hopefully, the images will be random enough to ensure that the only theme will be, "things I see in my day to day life".  Who knows, it may help my ones of readers get to know me better. 

Anyhow, like any obligation, it may be short lived.  I'm going to try my hardest to keep up on it, and force myself to create.  I encourage anyone and everyone to do the same.  I'd be more than happy to post the results here.  I may even go back and re-envision some of the word challenges from earlier in the blog's history (go back to the first few posts if you have no clue what I'm talking about).

If you see anything here that you would like to have, drop me a line at artwithstrangers at gmail dot com, and we can work something out.  These are all going to be fairly small drawings, so I wouldn't expect much.   Suggestions would be: five bucks, multiple high fives, buy me a beer, barter with a piece of your own artwork, etc.  Anyhow, here are the first handful of drawings.

 Floating Tara with Geometric Dress 4 3/8"x7 3/4" Mixed Media on Paper

 Ramble Inn Still Life 4 1/2" x 6" Pen and Paper

Hellhound 4 1/2" x 6" Pen and Paper

As always, thanks for reading.
