Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Daily Draw Update

Well, I haven't managed to make a drawing every day, but I want to and I feel bad when I don't.  I guess that can be considered progress.  Here are a few of the recent drawings I've made.  Unfortunately, some are still self portraits.  Oh well.  Here it is:

Truck Pen on paper

 Black and White  White colored pencil on black mat board

 Post Color Run  Mixed Media on glossy cardstock

New Desk  Pen on Glossy card stock

I should have some more in the next few days.

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lethargy and the Daily Draw

Ok.  I took the summer off.  Literally.  I pretty much accomplished zero things I had planned this summer, and I feel like quite a bum for it.  For some reason, when I'm out of work for the summer with nothing to do, I have very little motivation.  Therefore, I'm going to try to get into a routine in order to stay productive.

Introducing the daily draw.  I anticipate making (at least) one drawing a day.  I don't care what it is, I just need to draw.  My hold up has been a lack of ideas, so I'm just going to draw what I see.  Hopefully, the images will be random enough to ensure that the only theme will be, "things I see in my day to day life".  Who knows, it may help my ones of readers get to know me better. 

Anyhow, like any obligation, it may be short lived.  I'm going to try my hardest to keep up on it, and force myself to create.  I encourage anyone and everyone to do the same.  I'd be more than happy to post the results here.  I may even go back and re-envision some of the word challenges from earlier in the blog's history (go back to the first few posts if you have no clue what I'm talking about).

If you see anything here that you would like to have, drop me a line at artwithstrangers at gmail dot com, and we can work something out.  These are all going to be fairly small drawings, so I wouldn't expect much.   Suggestions would be: five bucks, multiple high fives, buy me a beer, barter with a piece of your own artwork, etc.  Anyhow, here are the first handful of drawings.

 Floating Tara with Geometric Dress 4 3/8"x7 3/4" Mixed Media on Paper

 Ramble Inn Still Life 4 1/2" x 6" Pen and Paper

Hellhound 4 1/2" x 6" Pen and Paper

As always, thanks for reading.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Kids" The Second Half

Here is the companion drawing to the "Kids" piece I posted earlier.  This is another ballpoint pen drawing on glossy card stock.

Thanks for looking,


Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Drawing: "Kids"

Had a little fun and made this drawing of kids wearing masks.  I find it playful, yet slightly disturbing.  I will have a second one coming in the next day or so.  Enjoy.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, May 13, 2013

Dirt Cheap Prints For Sale

I came across a stack of "Blue Squid" prints that I made in 2011, and decided to sell them ultra cheap (random dog hair not included).

 Blue Squid  water based ink linocut on acid free paper.  Image 4x6, paper 6x8 

Each image is a truly hand pulled print (baren printed, not run through a press), and therefore will vary a little bit from one to another.

 If anyone is interested in purchasing one, feel free to contact me via email to set something up.  My email is artwithstrangers at gmail dot com.  I have 17 signed and numbered prints from a series of 20 that I am selling for $10 each.  I also have 5 slightly imperfect artist proofs that I am selling for $8 each.  I will charge $3.25 for shipping in the United States (USPS double padded envelope, cardboard backing, 1st class shipping).  If someone would like to purchase one from outside the US, email me and we can figure something out.  If you order more than one, I will send the prints together so you only incur one shipping charge. To ease the transaction, I prefer to use paypal.  Other payment arrangements can be made if necessary.  If you choose to purchase a print, please email me so I can give you my paypal info and obtain all shipping information that I need.  Prints will be shipped the next business day after payment is received.

This post will be updated if prints sell out.

Thanks for looking,


Monday, April 29, 2013

Insomnia 2: A Short Story

The pungent scent of freshly lit tobacco hit my nostrils.  I didn’t even remember pulling a cigarette out of the pack.  I glanced at the clock on the dashboard and took a mental note of the time.  My adventure started five hours earlier as a ten minute trip for gas and cigarettes.  I shifted my gaze to the left of the dashboard clock and saw that the orange needle had grown uncomfortably close to the capital letter  E on the fuel gauge.  Everything after my stop at the gas station five miles from home was a blur.

Within minutes, the old Chevy began to sputter and cough, begging me to find a gas station as soon as possible.  I knew that I had to find refuge soon, or place yet another embarrassing call for a rescue out in the middle of nowhere.  It was always so much easier to find a place to stop when I wound up somewhere familiar.  This was not one of those times.  I was surrounded by farm land.  I scanned the landscape and saw the twinkling of sunlight on metal in the distance.  The effect was very similar to far off water in an expanse of hot, arid land.  A perfect metaphor for these situations in which I constantly found myself.

The old pickup was finicky but reliable.  I knew if I pointed it at the distant signs of civilization, gently pushed it up to sixty miles per hour, then dropped it into neutral, it would stall but coast another three quarters of a mile on flat ground.  Longer if I was on a down grade.  Once the truck came to a stop, all of its momentum exhausted, it would miraculously start up again as if nothing had happened and allow me a second go at the same process.  It would do this without fail, and on more than one occasion, it had let me perform this maneuver a third time.  Whether or not the third opportunity presented itself that day, I knew I was going to come up just short of the town ahead.

Being a strange, fairly out of shape man pushing a truck up a subtle grade in an unfamiliar town tends to gain the attention of the locals.  Luckily, by then I had seen the Shell logo hovering over an ancient gas station a few blocks from where I stalled.  At least now I knew where I was pushing the truck without having to stop and ask for directions, thus sacrificing all of my forward momentum.

I had become somewhat of an expert at guessing whether I could expect help pushing my truck to where it needed to go.  I was in a quaint, friendly farming town with a welcome mat at every front door and a “please come again,” on every business sign.  There were plenty of people walking up and down the sidewalks, most staring at me or making comments to whomever they chose to walk with on that particular day about not wanting to be in my shoes.  I knew I was pushing my truck the last few hundred feet myself.

The entrance to the gas station was slightly downhill, so I hopped behind the wheel as the truck rolled on its own.  I needed both hands on the wheel to steer past the kerosene pumps and move the truck up to one of two gas pumps at the completely desolate gas station.  If it wasn’t for the attendant leering at me through the window of the convenience shop, I would have assumed the place was abandoned.

The townsfolk had lost interest in me now that I hadn’t dropped dead from a heart attack, ran myself over with my own truck, or lost control on the subtle downhill grade, crashing into the pumps, causing an explosion that engulfed their quaint little town in hellfire.  I shoved the gear selector into park and hopped out of the truck.  I went to the back and sat on my rusty, homemade bumper, pulling the pack of cigarettes from my shirt pocket.  One left.  It seemed as though my smoking habit was subconsciously linked to the fuel economy of the truck.  I put the cigarette against my lips, flicked my lighter, and inhaled another dose of the heavy, pungent smoke that marked the conscious beginning of this adventure.

The cigarette couldn’t have been lit for more than thirty seconds before the attendant was out the door of the convenience shop and screaming at me for smoking by the gas pumps.  I felt like an idiot.  The attendant continued to scream, explaining that the last person at the pumps had spilled their gas can right where I was resting.  I looked down half believing the story was a lie to make me feel worse. It turns out that the locals were very close to getting the explosion they were watching for when I rolled in.  I apologized and walked to the back side of the convenience shop.  The attendant followed and continued his verbal abuse.

The man stood uncomfortably close as he told me that they didn’t have a service station and that I couldn’t leave my broken truck in front of one of his pumps.  The smell of garlic was strong on his breath, and I spent most of the time during his rant pretending to listen while I made guesses about whether he was the owner of the gas station, or a retired part timer.

 I assured him that the truck was just out of gas and not broken.  Sharing this information did not seem to alleviate any of his concerns.  He went on about how I was blocking his pump for other paying customers, and about how loitering was a crime.  I played dumb and apologized long enough to finish three quarters of my cigarette.  I looked around for an ash can, found none, scraped the cherry off the cigarette on the ground, rolled up the butt between my thumb and index finger, and flicked it into the garbage can.  The attendant threatened to call the police.

I walked back to the truck and filled both of the tanks.  The pump registered fifty gallons of eighty nine octane.  I walked inside and bought a carton of the attendants most expensive cigarettes.  I paid for the fuel and the cigarettes with cash.  This transaction apparently had more calming power than any apology I had given earlier.  I took the opportunity to ask the attendant what town I was in.  He told me, but the name was unfamiliar.  I was well aware that if I asked what state I was in, the peace treaty that I has just bought with petroleum and tobacco would be over, and the attendant would be back to making threats.  This time I imagined he would have called the nearest mental health facility as well as the local authorities.  I told him thanks and walked out the door glancing at the community calendar board full of fliers.

The area codes on the fliers let me know that I had crossed the state line and was now in Ohio.  Again.  I fired up the truck and drove it around to the back of the convenience shop, a haze of blue smoke chasing me the whole way.  I could see the attendant through the window and again, he was glaring at me with mean, un-trusting eyes.  I opened the glove box and pulled out a ragged, dog-eared Ohio map that came with the truck.  I got out and climbed into the bed of the truck to get a better view of the streets around me and lit another cigarette while looking at the map.  It took thirty seconds to find my location on the map, another twenty seconds to plan my route home.  I pretended to look at the map for another two cigarettes.  Each butt was flicked carelessly into the lot beside the convenience shop for the sole purpose of annoying the attendant.  I left when I saw him pick up the phone.

Self Portrait On Cardboard

Not much to say here.  I made a new self portrait.  I'm getting bored of these and feel it's time to move on.  I want to start making portraits of other people, but I've noticed lately that I draw myself better when I'm looking in a mirror as opposed to a photograph.  I would like to have people sit for me, but it's an odd request and I'm horribly awkward.  Anyhow, I have an abstract piece in the works, and I plan on doing some more printmaking soon.  For now, there's this:

As always, thanks for reading.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Insomnia 1: A Short Story

“Would you like some more?”

“Sir, would you like some more?”

I came to as the waitress hovered over me holding a pot of coffee in her right hand.  I looked down  and saw that my cup was mostly empty.  I nodded.   She expertly filled my cup with a hand that had performed this task tens of thousands of times before, leaving just enough room for cream should I choose to add some.  Her voice was familiar, but her face was not.

I remembered coming here, sitting down, ordering, and pulling out my sketchbook.  There had been a different waitress helping me then.  It was still dark out, so no more than two or three hours could have slipped by.  My burger and fries were room temperature and untouched.  The sketchbook page was also empty.  There was a burnt out cigarette butt resting between the index and middle fingers of my right hand. 

I glanced at the faded, nicotine stained wall clock above the door of the diner and wrote down the time and date in the upper corner of the sketchbook page, closed the cover and pulled out my wallet.  The waitress came back and asked if I needed a box for my burger.  I shook my head, and left a large tip with instructions to give part of it to the previous waitress.  I doubted that my first waitress would see the cash.  This happened almost every time I was there and made the servers very reluctant to help me when I first walked in.  I didn’t hold it against them.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not Dead, New Art

Hi everyone.  I apologize for my lack of updates.  Sometimes life makes it difficult to do the things on which you really want to focus.  I have been creating, just most of it I deemed un-blogworthy.  I did manage to commit myself to entering a piece of artwork into a local gallery show.  In true Raygun form, I managed to wait until the very last minute to finish my piece.  I just had it framed, and it is currently hanging on the wall in my living room.  The entry due date is tomorrow at 5pm, and I anticipate rolling in to drop it off between 4:15-4:30. 

"Why do you wait so long," you may ask (or maybe you don't).  Well, it has been historically proven that I do my best work when I am under pressure.  I started early, and things went terrible.  When I say terrible, I'm talking about, "resist snapping the piece in half and lighting it on fire" terrible.  I stewed for a couple weeks while the piece stared at me from my ragtag studio in the corner of my modest kitchen.  I grew to hate it, but I also wanted to make sure I didn't cop out on my obligations.  I haven't shown any work publicly for almost four years, and I didn't want this piece to be my excuse to back out of my commitment.  I sat down, came to terms with the fact that it may be a complete do-over, and got to work.

About an hour into the second run on this piece, I started seeing the possibility of obtaining the end result  I was hoping for.  During the first attempt, I had too much time to think, and not enough time to get frustrated about finishing, ergo, motivation to just get it done quickly, and correctly.  It then took about two more days, mostly letting layers dry completely before it was 100% finished.

The most interesting part about this new project, is that I like this piece.   I rarely make things I find suitable for my own walls.  My aesthetic eye for creation is completely different than my aesthetic eye for things I want to own.  This may seem odd, but there is nothing more uncomfortable to me than a house full of my own artwork.  There have maybe been three or four pieces out of everything I have made, that I am okay with having up in my house.  So again, this piece is a rarity for me.  I'd really like to see this guy get sold though.  I'm trying to slowly make a transition into a pseudo professional practicing artist, and nothing says motivation like good feedback and money to help buy supplies for the next project.*

Anyhow, onto the artwork.  There was no particular theme for this project.  However, all pieces must use a mixed media approach.  I'm still struggling with content, and I've been doing a lot of selfies lately, so it only made sense to do a self portrait.  I decided against doing a straight up portrait.  This project needed to say something, not just with my artistic style, but also with the image itself. 

In the recent past, I've been feeling very down on myself.  I have had a hard time mastering many of the things I have set out to learn.  There are many things I daydream about doing with my life, and when I get a chance to try my hand at them, and am not immediately awesome at doing whatever it may be, I feel like a failure.  It's unreasonable and silly, but it's a truth and something I've struggled with since I was a teenager.  I felt that this portrait needed to show that frustration. 

Sorry for the poor quality photo, I'll try to put up a better one later.

Sometimes I Feel Like a Disappointment  Mixed Media on Wood 14x18" 

So there it is.  It's a picture of me with the top of my head missing, while a banner of incomprehensible technical illustrations flies about labeling my frustration, as I look on dazed appearing no worse for wear.  

So that's it.  I'll try to update more frequently as the work flows out a bit more naturally.  As always, thanks for reading.


* My earlier statement about making money from my art is meant solely for my desire to continue my favorite pastime, without going broke.  I have no intention of becoming rich nor famous from doing what I do.  It would just be nice if it would pay for itself, and not leave me with a spare bedroom full of unwanted artwork.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wacom Tablet for Christmas

Hi everyone.  Sorry it's been so long.  I am feeling the need to create, so there should be new artwork to look forward to when you check back. 

The holidays have come and gone, and I am now +1 Wacom tablet.  My wonderful wife bought me a Bamboo for Christmas.  It's like she read my mind, because I had recently considered picking one up to try out.

I've had a very odd relationship with computer based artwork.  The first two years I spent in college, I was actually studying commercial art and graphic design.  I did a significant amount of my work on computers.  I did pretty well, but never got the feel for working at a computer.  Back then, I felt limited with what I could do (keep in mind, these were the days of slide/negative scanners and zip disks, so I actually WAS fairly limited with what I could do). 

I see this as trying out a completely new medium since I actually get to use a pen to create my image.  I am using the included, essential versions of the software that was included with the tablet, so until I get a feel for it, the pictures will be fairly small.  I can't increase the resolution enough to make a legitimate print of any work, so I've decided to just play around a bit.

Here is a piece I worked on today. 
View From My Kitchen Window, Facing Northeast  digital

I'm still learning and playing, so please feel free to send any feedback or suggest any programs I should try out.

Thanks for reading,
