Monday, October 1, 2012

Blue Self Portrait and Small Update

Well, I know I've been slacking lately here on the blog, so here's a self portrait.  My students took a little too much paint today, so I had them set it aside instead of washing it down the sink.  It was interesting modding their pre-mixed colors into a useable pallet for a self portrait.  I'm really fond of working on surfaces that are salvaged now.  I think I will be venturing out soon to see what I can find out in the wilderness (and by wilderness I mean garbage cans and thrift stores). 

On a side note, I've temporarily suspended the random word every two week project.  It's been over six weeks, and I haven't had a single submission.  On top of that, I have only half finished one project myself.  Mot of my free time has been devoted to self portraits, restoring my 1961 VW, and all of the awesome chores that come with being a land owner with numerous trees during the autumn months.  Expect more later.  The gears are definitely turning, and some new stuff will be up soon.

Anyhow, here's the self portrait:

      Blue Self Portrait  4x6in Tempera and Color Stick on Discarded Student Artwork

As always, Thanks for reading.


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