Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Self Portraits: Day One

I have decided to start posting random, quick study self portraits on the blog.  This is intended to be an exercise in which I loosen up a bit, since I have been taking my work way too seriously.  To break away from the frustration, and hopefully help me solidify a style, I've decided to make frequent quick pictures of myself.  I will be posting the results here, whether I find them appealing or terrible.

Since today is the first day of this venture, I figure I'll share a little of my artistic timeline. The first image is a wood block print entitled "Incognito".  I made this image in a printmaking class in 2009.  Please excuse the quality, as the images were taken via cell phone camera circa 2009.

The second image is from the same printmaking class.  This print is actually the basis of this entire blog.  This was the project that required me to take two randomly drawn words, and come up with a visual solution.  My words were, "shotgun," and "haven".   This is an aquatint /chin colle made in 2009 entitled "Git".

The next image is a tiny color study I did based of a random photo my wife took of me acting like an ass.  I intended to make a painting from the color study, but again, I couldn't get it to come out the way I wanted, so I gave up.  This picture was created earlier this year (2012).

And finally, here is today's quick study.  This is a pencil drawing on computer paper.  Today's date is August, 29, 2012.

So here's to the start of a new venture.  I swear the next updates won't be nearly as long winded.

Thanks for reading,

Project #4: Nexus

Here we are at another random word posting.  Drawn at random today, we have the word Nexus.

Here is the definition of the word:

noun, plural nex·us·es, nex·us.
1. a means of connection; tie; link.
2. a connected series or group.
3. the core or center, as of a matter or situation.
4. Cell Biology . a specialized area of the cell membrane involved in intercellular communication and adhesion.
Starting today, there will no longer be a timeline for finishing your submission.  If you have an idea and want to share it, get it to me whenever you can.
I will also be putting results in this posting.  There will no longer be a separate post for the submissions.  
As for the submission guidelines, those are the same.  Email me at artwithstrangers at gmail dot com to submit artwork or random word ideas.
Thanks for reading,

A Lot of News

Hi there readers.  It's been a couple weeks and I still haven't been able to bring myself to finish my meat themed art project.  I only received one other submission, which I deemed just a little over the line for the blog here.  I appreciate the humor, but I want to keep this blog R rated at a maximum.  Needless to say I've been a little bummed about my lack of motivation.  Hence, this plethora of updates.  Let's get started shall we?

Update 1:  I will continue posting a new theme every two weeks starting today....Wednesday, for some reason.  I will no longer post a deadline with the theme, nor will I have a separate post with the results.  Any submissions I receive for the project will be posted under the word reveal post.  I'm doing this because I'm tired of needless structure in my life.  I get enough of that outside of this blog.  I'm not going to lie to you either.  I'm a pretty unorganized guy.  Not in the, "I can't remember where I left the dog," kind of way, but more in the, "wasn't I supposed to do something today," way.  So, yeah.  There's that.  This gives people a chance to go back and do other word projects as well.  No pressure, no rush.

Update 2:  I've decided to turn this into my collaborative art blog and a personal art blog as well.  On occasion I make things that don't necessarily go along with the theme, and would like a place to post them outside of facebook.  At this point, I don't think I produce enough to need a separate art blog for myself, so I will be posting here.  You may also see pics of art that I've purchased, reviews (personal thoughts, really) of galleries or shows that I've attended, or random writing that I feel would work well on this blog.  Hopefully it will make me get out and do more of the gallery hopping and museum visiting that have been lacking in my life.  It's going to start getting a lot more random around here. 

Update 3:  I would like to start an actual collaborative project with someone via the mail.  Even if you are a friend that I see on a regular basis, I only want to send our project to each other via the mail.  I did this to a certain extent when I was in college with a friend that lived three miles away.  It was fun, and the postal system working the picture over and cramming it into mail boxes gave it a certain charm.  Of course the project will have to be a mailbox friendly size, so no crazy murals or anything. If you're interested in participating, send me an email. artwithstrangers at gmail dot com.

Update 4:  I am going to start doing frequent quick study self portraits, and will post them here whether they are successful or not.  I have started focusing on being technical in my art.  I have been doing a lot of planning, practice sketching, picture referencing and all of the other things that drive me crazy.  For certain works of art, this is important.  However, I want my artwork right now to be freeing, not exhausting.  I thought about doing one every day, but I don't want to be disappointed if I fail to meet my goal.  The artwork will be loose, experimental, and hopefully satisfying.  If not, I'll post it anyway.  No more frustration if the end product isn't exactly what I had in mind.  Personal failures are my gateway drug to being inactive. 

Also, if anyone else is interested in doing self portraits, I'd be more than happy to post them here.  The same deal as always: if you want your name, media, size, blog link, website, etc. posted, just include that info in your email.

So there it is.  A lot of new stuff is on the horizon.  I hope my modest page hit counter at least stays the same.  If not, I'll keep doing it anyway.  That's just how I roll.

Thanks for reading and being patient,


Monday, August 13, 2012

Update and Break Time

I'm sure that most of you that follow this blog with any regularity have noticed the lack of posts lately.  The last project theme was Meat/Meet.  Due to a lack of participation on this theme (and some technical difficulties with my project), I have yet to post results.  Since I am teacher, I am also in the midst of going to in-service meetings, setting up classrooms, setting up  a curriculum, and all of those other fun teacher things that come with the start of a new school year.  Due to all of the things going on right now, I'm doing another two week extension of the Meat/Meet themed project.

I would encourage anyone who has not submitted work in the past, to go back and take a look at the other themes.  This would be a great time for everyone to have an opportunity to make something if they didn't get a chance the first time around.  I will always be willing to edit a post and put up artwork for the finished themes if someone sends in some more work. 

Hopefully, a little down time will help all of the finished products in the end.  Also, for those who have participated, or have thought about participating, please send a comment letting me know what time frame works best for you.  I'm thinking about stretching the time between projects from two weeks to a month.  I want this to be fun for everyone, and not feel like a stressful obligation.

As always, thanks for reading,
