Monday, August 13, 2012

Update and Break Time

I'm sure that most of you that follow this blog with any regularity have noticed the lack of posts lately.  The last project theme was Meat/Meet.  Due to a lack of participation on this theme (and some technical difficulties with my project), I have yet to post results.  Since I am teacher, I am also in the midst of going to in-service meetings, setting up classrooms, setting up  a curriculum, and all of those other fun teacher things that come with the start of a new school year.  Due to all of the things going on right now, I'm doing another two week extension of the Meat/Meet themed project.

I would encourage anyone who has not submitted work in the past, to go back and take a look at the other themes.  This would be a great time for everyone to have an opportunity to make something if they didn't get a chance the first time around.  I will always be willing to edit a post and put up artwork for the finished themes if someone sends in some more work. 

Hopefully, a little down time will help all of the finished products in the end.  Also, for those who have participated, or have thought about participating, please send a comment letting me know what time frame works best for you.  I'm thinking about stretching the time between projects from two weeks to a month.  I want this to be fun for everyone, and not feel like a stressful obligation.

As always, thanks for reading,


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