Friday, January 4, 2013

Wacom Tablet for Christmas

Hi everyone.  Sorry it's been so long.  I am feeling the need to create, so there should be new artwork to look forward to when you check back. 

The holidays have come and gone, and I am now +1 Wacom tablet.  My wonderful wife bought me a Bamboo for Christmas.  It's like she read my mind, because I had recently considered picking one up to try out.

I've had a very odd relationship with computer based artwork.  The first two years I spent in college, I was actually studying commercial art and graphic design.  I did a significant amount of my work on computers.  I did pretty well, but never got the feel for working at a computer.  Back then, I felt limited with what I could do (keep in mind, these were the days of slide/negative scanners and zip disks, so I actually WAS fairly limited with what I could do). 

I see this as trying out a completely new medium since I actually get to use a pen to create my image.  I am using the included, essential versions of the software that was included with the tablet, so until I get a feel for it, the pictures will be fairly small.  I can't increase the resolution enough to make a legitimate print of any work, so I've decided to just play around a bit.

Here is a piece I worked on today. 
View From My Kitchen Window, Facing Northeast  digital

I'm still learning and playing, so please feel free to send any feedback or suggest any programs I should try out.

Thanks for reading,
